Get a little insight into how we do things…
Here’s what you can expect when you have your air quality inspected by us.
Initial Contact
Following an initial customer contact our air quality consultant will set up an appointment to meet with the customer at the affected structure. Our consultant will use appropriate professional equipment to take numerous air samples including at least one sample outside the structure.
Initial Contact
Our consultant will observe the occupants’ current health conditions and general structure to determine the appropriate air samples to take with an Air-O-Cell cassette. At a minimum, our air quality consultant may need to inspect under carpets and pads, behind trim board, in air ducts, and in light sockets.
Photographs of affected areas and locations of air samples will be documented in a report to be presented later. Our consultant collects the recommended air sample(s) and sends them to an official AAQC laboratory for analysis.
Lab Results
The sample results will be available within one week and, in special emergency situations, may be available in 24 hours (extra fees may apply). AAQC will present the results in a highly detailed air quality report with suggestions on how to remediate the affected areas.
Following the remediation of an affected area, our air quality consultant will re-test the area to verify a successful conclusion. AAQC’s goal is to assist in restoring air quality back to acceptable and/or “normal” levels.

Mold Facts
Driven by heat, moisture, and organic material the threat of mold increases. It’s not always visible and can have long term effects.

Radon Facts
The silent killer, it has no visible tell or smell. It simply comes up naturally from the earth and into the basements of homes and structures.

Air quality is essential in the livability of a home and the workability of an office. Our professionals help ensure that your HVAC system is running optimally.

Duct Cleaning
Periodical duct cleanings from the professionals at AAQC prevents allergens and respiratory issues from affecting your family or employees.